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The value of Fonv Pilates
recognized by the world beyond Korea

The value of fonv Pilates recognized by the world beyond Korea.

fonv's Pilates equipment, which opens the new era of the Pilates equipment,
is currently exported to v
arious countries such as the United States,
Japan, Southeast Asia, and Europe, as its functionality
and design are recognized not only at premium centers
in Korea but also internationally.

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Levels of  Fonv Instructors



Basic Anatomy

Mat & Props




Advanced Anatomy

Mat & Props Advanced

Reformer Advanced




Advanced Anatomy

Pilates Didactics

Private Sessions

Train Level 01 Instructors

Group Sessions

Instructor's Sessions

Train Level 01 & 02  Instructors

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Developing an education system
for proficient instructors with a strong foundation.

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A system that gradually
acquires instructor competence.

Through the progression of the curriculum,
one can learn detailed points related to Pilates instruction,
rather than simply memorizing numerous Pilates movements.

- Understand the relevance of connecting
   with each body type in Pilates instruction
   and applies this understanding in teaching.

- Understands the details of Pilates instruction and the benefits
   from the perspective of members.

- Explains the purpose of movements when teaching members, and
   emphasizes the importance of effective communication during instruction.

- Teaches the significance of both verbal and physical touch cues in

  Pilates instruction and applies them in class management.

- Understanding the reasons of utilizing tools in Pilates,
  and its effect on the human body. 

- Understands the connection between movements and breath, and comprehends the importance of rhythm.

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Pre Course (4h)
- Orientation, level test

Basic Anatomy (12h)
- Learn the structure of the human body.
   Learn about the bones and muscles
   that make up our body.

Mat/Props  Pilates (36h)
- Mat/Props training 

Reformer Pilates (28h)
- Reformer training

Cell-Group Training (12h)
- Each Mat / Props / Reformer
   sessions, are followed by
   1 practice session

Lectures by Korean Instructors (12h)
- Mat/Props/Reformer ​​detail cueing

Teaching practice (8h)
- Participate as an assistant instructor
   for the general public

Seminars (12h)
- Hosted by Fonv
   Attend online webinars

- 2 mini-tests
- 1 final evaluation

- Observation of Pilates classes

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Free 3-time live seminars
tailored to instructor trends and needs.

Since it's live, the content will be continuously upgraded.
You can learn the latest top trends in Pilates around the world.
An opportunity to communicate directly with renowned Pilates instructors in Korea.

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Fonv Textbook

Fonv Pilates Certificate

fonv is a multifaceted organization that encompasses a pilates equipment brand, an exercise promotion initiative, and an education program for pilates instructors. The acronym fonv stands for "focusing on invisible values," indicating the organization's emphasis on holistic well-being beyond the physical aspects.

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